Thursday 19 June 2014

OH! What a GAME!

Oh ! NO ! The course will soon be coming to end but surely not the learning and the application of what I have learned through this module: Integration Technology across Content Areas.
I have been exposed to several unit and lesson format but using the game plan was new one.  It was very welcoming as I am becoming proficient in the writing of plans.

As I embarked on the plans through out the module, it made me think seriously about my kids and what I want them to achieve at the end of a unit. Setting goals ensured that I understood the different standards and objectives outlined in the curriculum. This allowed me to integrate the different standards based on the skills and concepts I want to develop or transfer.

Ready, Set, ACTION
Creating actions for the plans were exciting and gave me opportunities test and incorporate several technology tools. It furthered my knowledge of some tool not limited to:



On the first attempt of writing a lesson using this component it made me reflect on the goals and actions of the plan. I came to understand as I continued writing and developing plans that I must connect each of the strands in this plan. From my readings, I have deepened my knowledge on monitoring my students as they learn. It is not necessarily a simple observation but implementations of strategies to ensure that students are on task to achieve the objectives or develop the specified skills.



"Formative and Summative Assessment." YouTube. YouTube, 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 19 June 2014. <>.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Where am I?

A reminder of my goal:
Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
  1. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments
It is important to  reminding myself of my goal as I realized that I may lose focus of my task.  So far I have kept up-to-date on the latest tools through a variety of online PLCs. I found this one during my reading.

Tech tools

I was only familiar with a few of the tools mentions and it was enlightening to learn more.
In the last module:
Supporting Information Literacy and Online Inquiry in the Classroom (EDUC - 6712I - 2)
I learned about creating a process inquiry and I believe this would be an excellent avenue and adventure to take my students though. Many of my readings have suggest such an approach allows the exploration of real life issues. I am continually looking for new tools and strategies to engage my students with.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Tech Tools to use in my GAME plan

YES! I have my game plan drafted but how exactly am I going to do it? What tools am I going to use to engage all my students? How would I know which ones are appropriate? As I participate actively in PLCs, I would learn about different tools used by teachers. It is my job to evaluate and assess each tool for its appropriateness as I engage my students. I would use a rubric or checklist personalizes to the needs of my students of objectives of given lessons in the selection of websites. Interactive websites such as and time-for-time would help the students to become proficient with certain skills.


Keeping online journals such as a blog is an excellent way of recording the process of the GAME plan. I could choose to add and remove different readers if so desired. Exposing my steps through out this plan can further help me to develop myself and more create inquiring minds. Cennamo, K., Ross,J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach.(Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from:

Wednesday 14 May 2014


After perusing the standard by International Society for Technology in Educaton (ISTE), one of them favored. I believe that my job as an educator is model, inspire and develop creativity in my students so they can learn well.
Standard One:
Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
  1. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments

It is imperative that I become engaged in my own learning and through the use of the GAME plan, such would be achieved.
It is my first attempt at this!!!

·        Engage students in exploring real issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
·        I would become a member of several professional learning communities (PLCs) that focuses on  process inquiry or problem based learning. This allows me to gather as much information about activities as possible and learn from the experience of other teachers.  The support given in communities would important as I explore various strategies and techniques.  I would form  a PLC within my school of persons who to seeks the same or similar development in order to engage students.
·        Part of my action plan would be to ensure that all students have access to the computers and internet access if required. I would upload necessary programs needed for activity.
·        Establishing a personal journal to keep a record of the activities and my learning is an essential part of my action.
·        Create plans , webQuests or inquiries and share them with teachers in my local PLC for feedback before delivery.
·        Bookmark several sites base on subjects that would be resourceful for students.
·        Learn strategies that would engage the students regardless of the learning styles and abilities
·        I would monitor my learning through the implementation of the strategies and techniques learned in the classes.  I would constantly refer to my personal journal as I assess the students using rubrics. I would make notes of the successes and failures of plans and strategies.
My students’ success or failure to be engaged is one main way I can evaluate my GAME plan. I will also ask students to reflect on the lessons.

I wish to implement this plan by the end of this week fully.  I do have experience with PLCs but exposing myself to greater information would be more beneficial to me and my students.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach.(Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from:

Tuesday 10 December 2013


As I reflect on this course, I have realized that it has deepened my understanding of learning theories and how they influence learning and teaching.  My main philosophy nevertheless remains the same. I believe that students learn by doing and sharing. These are underpinnings of the constructionism, behaviorism and cognitive learning theories. Students must understand what they are doing or going to do in order to construct and socialize. I am also of the view that technology is needed today. Integrating technology is a strategy that I would continue to use as the benefits outweighs the cons.
Throughout this course, I have been introduce to several tools and after examining them, several of them I plan to integrate into my future lessons.  I am particular fond of First in Math, Twiducate and VoiceThread. All the students at my  school can now access First in Math until July 31st 2014. This site would further develop their mathematical skills. 

I am presently developing my twiducate page to implement in the coming school term.  I am hoping to link all my additional sites and workstations through it. I am in the process of hot linking the images.
Have a look: My Twiducate ( underconstruction)
Click: I am student
Class code: smrcs2
Password: Walden

It is my hope that I would continue to engage my students fully as I  use homework to deepen their understanding of new concepts and for practice. I would continue to find ways to motivate the students as I become better knowledgeable about the interest and background of the different students. Use of mapping programs and virtual tours along with cooperative learning is a must in my class.
Long term Goals
My personal long term goal is to keep learning and developing a better understanding of the numerous technological tools in order to produce a close to perfect learning environment. Such an environment would provide students will the opportunities to connect with the knowledge in in order to collaborate with each other. 
Another goal I strive to achieve is one that benefits the entire school.  I would assist in the personal development and growth of my colleagues in the use of technology in the classroom during professional development sessions. For learning to maximized, it must be scaffolded and continuous thus all teachers must use technology and understand how the learning theories affect learning.
I know that the latter goal is a long term but I believe it is crucial as we develop the minds of 21st century learners. It is the job of all teacher to instill, nurture, reinforce, establish personal/academic success, clean and high standards and positive behavior. Hence even though it may be a tug-o-war it would worth it.