Sunday 6 October 2013

My Views on Digital Native and Digital Immigrant

Prior to this course, I was certain that I believe in the words of Pensky.  I am however rethinking and tweaking who I believe a digital  native ought to be and how they come about.  Exposure to television should not be the only reason why persons are labeled at digital natives.  I believe their environment and the methodologies the students are exposed as well as their learning styles and interest contribute significantly to the way they learn.   
Students who have been exposed to various forms of technology do bring the skills needed for 21st century to the classroom. What do we do with the other students who lack such pervious knowledge? I ask this question because I equate it with the fact that students come to us with various learning styles.  Do we take preference to one style and teach that way only?
Thornburg in the 70’s was exposed to technology is some form or the other before six and at 64 he can be considers a digital native.  Today, I know of several persons over 40 who are well capable of using technology and have learnt using them, doesn’t that make them digital natives.  While on the other hand, I know of persons who are under 30 and have no care for technology even though they grew up with a television.  So, surely, age is not a determinant in my opinion.
Who is the digital native?
Digital Native
I enjoy using technology in my class, not just as tool for teaching but also as a tool that allows my students to be creative.  Presently, my class has one Ipad ( my personal one and oh how I wish for just one more tablet) and I have the kids compose their own songs about several of the topics. I find that my students remember all the words to the songs on MTV and BET and even though I cannot sing to save myself I have decided to use this method.  Soon I would like to create some simple music videos with them. In a previous class, the students used Microsoft suite to create a glossary of their own for their personal reference. This personal reference builds their vocabulary. If technology is what we have today to assist in the classroom, use it but dont make an upgraded version of chalk and talk as it several mediums that reach the children and adults of today.

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