Saturday 30 November 2013

Cooperative Learning!!!!!!

Cooperative learning is a useful approach to promote collaboration and Project Base Learning.  The strategy allows  for members of a team to work on a task with the support of each other.

There are several structures  embedded in cooperative learning. Have you  tried the think-pair-share, pair check, STAD, talking chips or the  Circle of Knowledge? Visit the link to get more details on each on them and even more: Cooperative Structures.

Cooperative learning has several benefits.  One of the important aspect of it is building social skills.  It builds their interpersonal skills as they the relate to each other, learn from each other, build and acquire knowledge. Several studies have indicated that cooperative learning increases motivation (Pitler,Hubbell & Kuhn , 2012)

Technology ensure better success at cooperative learning. It is vital and allows for communication  to take place even if it not face to face (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn , 2012). This is week's tool: the voice tread lends itself to such. I happy to be fully introduced to this tool as I can see  how useful it would be in my class during debates, problem solving tasks and creation of stories. I can also use it as a discussion tool on any topic that I choose. It can be used with parents as well to get their feedback once an account is set up. I am also a great fan of mapping software , blogs, virtual whiteboards and social feeds like  Twitter in a cooperative learning classroom.

Cooperative learning is one of the determinant of successful and meaningful learning in the classroom.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., & Kuhn, M. (2012). Cooperative Learning. Using technology with classroom instruction that works (2nd ed., p. 73-74). Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

1 comment:

  1. Semonique, I love cooperative learning. I have used the think-pair-share strategy in my lessons. Typically, I use them in the closure and sometimes even ask my learners to think-pair-share multiple ideas or answers. I also like to use them within the lesson since I believe it helps break apart the lesson for the students. You mentioned that cooperative learning helps students build social skills. This is such an important skill that children need to practice. In our state, time for students to just socialize such as recess is continuing to decrease. Cooperative learning is a strategy that not only helps build social skills but communication skills using academic language. Technology has certainly become a great addition for collaborative support such as blogs, wikis, and the others listed in your post. Great post!
