Wednesday 14 May 2014


After perusing the standard by International Society for Technology in Educaton (ISTE), one of them favored. I believe that my job as an educator is model, inspire and develop creativity in my students so they can learn well.
Standard One:
Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
  1. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments

It is imperative that I become engaged in my own learning and through the use of the GAME plan, such would be achieved.
It is my first attempt at this!!!

·        Engage students in exploring real issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
·        I would become a member of several professional learning communities (PLCs) that focuses on  process inquiry or problem based learning. This allows me to gather as much information about activities as possible and learn from the experience of other teachers.  The support given in communities would important as I explore various strategies and techniques.  I would form  a PLC within my school of persons who to seeks the same or similar development in order to engage students.
·        Part of my action plan would be to ensure that all students have access to the computers and internet access if required. I would upload necessary programs needed for activity.
·        Establishing a personal journal to keep a record of the activities and my learning is an essential part of my action.
·        Create plans , webQuests or inquiries and share them with teachers in my local PLC for feedback before delivery.
·        Bookmark several sites base on subjects that would be resourceful for students.
·        Learn strategies that would engage the students regardless of the learning styles and abilities
·        I would monitor my learning through the implementation of the strategies and techniques learned in the classes.  I would constantly refer to my personal journal as I assess the students using rubrics. I would make notes of the successes and failures of plans and strategies.
My students’ success or failure to be engaged is one main way I can evaluate my GAME plan. I will also ask students to reflect on the lessons.

I wish to implement this plan by the end of this week fully.  I do have experience with PLCs but exposing myself to greater information would be more beneficial to me and my students.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach.(Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from:


  1. Semonique,

    I agree with the goals you have set. I think it is very important to add technology to aid instruction. Creating real world experiences is one thing I have really tried with my students because it make what they are learning meaningful to them. Using wiki’s, blogs, and sites like to accomplish these feats are just some of the ways I have tried personally. I love your action ideas and the few different technologies you want to use to inspire student creativity! Finding the technology to complete these tasks was the most difficult task but it will make the lesson extremely worthwhile! I also really like the idea of keeping a journal to monitor your GAME plan. This would work well for me because it would allow me to keep all my notes and ideas in one location so they don’t get lost and provide me with the opportunity to be creative during the process. Great post:)

  2. Yes Julie
    The journals are quite important as they not only easily accessible but they allow us to monitor the process and progress on the plan. They provide a better opportunity to reflect and make adjustments on future tasks.

  3. Hello Semonique:
    I believe that facilitating and inspiring the student's learning is a basic and important task that we the teachers must provide to our students. Inspiring is what I consider looking at the teachers as "role models" where our students want to follow our path and advise. I believe that creating an action plan where all the students have access to technology is not always possible. This is a problem that I have because of the socio economic status of the schools where I teach, they are called Tier 1.
    The journal is a great tool to them and to you, it is very amazing to look at the student's reactions when they see the beginning and the end of their journals. Monitoring is a daily task for me, I want to know how engaged the students are.
    Evaluation is very necessary we want to improve in our teaching every day and every lesson has always room for improvement.
    Thanks for sharing your Ideas, good job!

  4. Semonique,

    I think that your idea of creating a PLC as a support group of sorts, is wise because you can share resources. Oone of my goals next this year as a Tech Coach in my school is to try to build confidence for new teachers and those who do not want to incorporate technology in web 2.0 tools and many other integrations of technology in their classrooms. I find it very challenging and sometimes extremely disappointing. Recently one of the teachers that I am working with told me that she would like to incorporate some of the tools that I've learned here at Walden in teaching students how to evaluate websites before they conduct their research. I think it takes time for some people to get adjusted with new technologies and once they get into it, they see the power in it and want to do more of it!
    -Akilah King
